Saturday, May 20, 2017 - 10:00am
Armed Forces Day - Saturday, May 20, 12:00 - 5:00

Founded in 1949, Armed Forces Day honors members of all four branches of the military. Any active duty or veteran military members will receive free admission to the museum, and 50% off admission for their entire party! For more information, contact Curator of Education & Public Engagement Jenna Peterson Riley at jriley@arkellmusem.org or (518) 673 2314 x 113.

Regular Admission:
Members: Free
Adults: $9.00
Students and Senior Citizens: $6.50
Children ages 11 and under are free when accompanied by an adult.

In the Mohawk Valley, 1937
Walter L. Greene (1870–1956)
Oil on canvas
Gift of Bartlett Arkell

Sunday, May 7, 2017 - 10:00am
Thank You to Our Firefighters! May 2 - May 7

Thank you to all firefighters for the brave work that they do in helping keep all of us safe. For the week of May 2 - May 7, all firefighters, first responders, and law enforcement personnel will receive free admission to the Arkell Museum, and 50% off admission for their entire party. For more information, contact Curator of Education & Public Engagement Jenna Peterson Riley at jriley@arkellmusem.org or call (518) 673 2314 x 113.

Hours -
Tuesday through Friday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Regular Admission -
Members: Free
Adults: $9.00
Students and Senior Citizens: $6.50
Children ages 11 and under are free when accompanied by an adult.

Dawn Over the City, 1929
Charles E. Burchfield (1893-1967)
watercolor on paper, 14 x 21 inches

Tuesday, April 18, 2017 - 1:00pm
Fascinating Foods of Beech-Nut

What sort of fun, interesting, and wacky foods did the Beech-Nut Packing Company make when it was located here in Canajoharie? Come explore the archives and collection and find out! Then, see if you can design an ad campaign using a piece of fine art from the collection started by Beech-Nut's founder, Bartlett Arkell, like many of the early advertisers working for the company did.

This event is for students between 6th - 12th grade and is free. For more information, email jriley@arkellmusem.org or call (518) 673 2314 x 113.


The mission of the Arkell Museum at Canajoharie and the Canajoharie Library is to promote and celebrate the understanding and enjoyment of the arts and humanities in Canajoharie, the Mohawk Valley, and beyond. The Arkell Museum collects, preserves, researches and presents American Art and Mohawk Valley History, and promotes active participation in art and history related activities, to enhance knowledge, appreciation and personal exploration by all.

The Arkell Museum • 2 Erie Boulevard • Canajoharie, New York 13317 • 518 673 2314 • info@arkellmuseum.org
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