Museum & Library Event
Sunday, July 16, 2023 - 2:00pm
American Revolutionary War Historic Songs

Join musicians Cosby Gibson and Tom Staudle for a one-of-a-kind performance of songs from the American Revolution.
This concert features songs sung by soldiers, enslaved people, women, and indigenous people during the conflict between colonists and Great Britain.

Cosby has created a unique blend of historic music and spoken word that contextualizes the songs and touches on the complexity of the American Revolution for all people involved.

This is a FREE concert. All ages welcome.
For questions, please call 518-673-2314 ext 113 or email

This program is sponsored by the New York State Council on the Arts and the Office of the Governor of New York.

Museum & Library Event
Friday, August 25, 2023 - 1:00pm
Utica ZooMobile

The Utica ZooMobile will stop by the Great Hall for a fun program for all ages! Get an up close meet-and-greet with a bunch of cool animals!

This is a FREE program.
Registration Requested.
Please register at:

For more information please email or call 518-673-2314 ext 106

Museum & Library Event
Wednesday, August 23, 2023 - 4:30pm
Stuffed Annual Sleepover

You and your stuffed animal are cordially invited to Stuffed Animal Sleepover!
Join us for an evening Storytime.
Afterward, we will put the stuffies to bed in our gallery.
Come back the next day to pick up your stuffie and see the pictures of all the fun your stuffie had while they slept over!

This is a FREE program.
Registration Requested.
Please Register Here:

For questions, please email or call 518-673-2314 ext 106


The mission of the Arkell Museum at Canajoharie and the Canajoharie Library is to promote and celebrate the understanding and enjoyment of the arts and humanities in Canajoharie, the Mohawk Valley, and beyond. The Arkell Museum collects, preserves, researches and presents American Art and Mohawk Valley History, and promotes active participation in art and history related activities, to enhance knowledge, appreciation and personal exploration by all.

The Arkell Museum • 2 Erie Boulevard • Canajoharie, New York 13317 • 518 673 2314 •
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