War Log: The Lt. Eugene Vickary WWII Collection

Spring 2017- Spring 2018

Canajoharie native Lieutenant Eugene Paul Vickary was a Navigator for the U.S. Army Air Force. His plane was shot down on October 1, 1943, and Vickary was taken prisoner of war. He was held in Stalag Luft III in Żagań from October 11, 1943 until January 27, 1945. He was then transferred to Stalag VII-A in Moosberg, and held there until the camp was liberated by American soldiers on April 29, 1945. "War Log" features his journal from his time as a captive, as well as a select number of his personal artifacts from his time serving our country.

This exhibition has been extended into 2018

Photo of WWII bomber squadron
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