Wed, 01/24/2018 - 5:00pm
Santa Claus Club

Ever have a story to tell and only a Santa’s helper can understand? Then come to our meeting for all of Santa’s helpers free of charge. Whether it’s your first time, last time, or you are a wanna-bee, come and share some cookies and coffee without sipping through a straw or putting the cookie away for later to keep Santa’s beard snowy white.

All of our fellow Santa brothers, Mrs. Clauses, and elves have a wealth of experience and memories to share. Advice to up and coming Clauses will help to answer all of those “why” questions from the youngsters.

Where did you get your handbell? Where’s the best deal on candy canes? How do you deal with an unruly reingoat? These are questions that we ask ourselves at some point in December. Ever need to be in two places at once and wish you knew a fellow Santa who could help out?

Let’s develop a network of Santas, Mrs. Clauses, and elves that can call upon each other for help if needed or an open ear to fill with a story you never want to forget.

Please call Santa Mike Houghton at 518-673-5235 or email vbgoats@gmail.com to reserve a chair for coffee, cookies, candy canes and Christmas cheer. Listen to stories from Santa Mike after returning from Santa Claus School in Midland, Michigan and with 33 years experience under his (Santa) belt.

RSVP by January 17, 2018.

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