When Emily Rankin’s college friend Dorry Scribner comes for a visit, things do not proceed as usual at Cherry Hill. Dorry is a suffragist, and the Rankins are not so sure woman suffrage is a good idea. Addressing the suffrage question brings out the hopes and fears of these women living through this important moment in American history.
"The Burden of the Ballot" is an original one-act play by Dr. Krysta Dennis, Lecturer in Creative Arts at Siena College, featuring Janet Kimlicko as Catherine Rankin, Kellyrose Marry as Emily Rankin, Sydney Paluch as Dorry Scribner, and Sandra Boynton as Mrs. Pruyn. First performed at Historic Cherry Hill in May 2017, this encore performance of "The Burden of the Ballot" is being staged in conjunction with the Arkell Museum's exhibition 'Truth is the Only Safe Ground to Stand Upon', featuring portraits and quotes of New York State suffragists by artist Christine Heller.
Admission to the program is free, and doors will open at 6:30. For more information, please contact Jenna Peterson Riley, Curator of Education & Public Engagement at jriley@arkellmuseum.org or (518) 673-2314 x 113.